304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Hospitality tafel d2


Hospitality  tafel d2

De hospitality tafel d2 heeft een robuuste uitstraling door zijn dikke stoere blad.
Het blad is wel 4cm dik. Op maat gemaakt . 6 Maten beschikbaar.


Square Rectangle
70 x 70 cm
80 x 80 cm
120/140/160/180 x 80 cm
200/220/240 x 90/100 cm

Floor plate

Square Rectangle

Size of the floor plate depends on the size of the top


76 cm 92 cm* 110 cm*

* Standard with footrest and only available with (double) salt and (double) pepper base

Base type

(Double) pepper (Double) salt Spike Surf

Double pepper and double salt comes with one rectangle floor plate

Top thickness

4 cm

Top finish
Check out all of our wood finishes here

Base type

(Double) pepper (Double) salt Spike Surf

Double pepper and double salt comes with one rectangle floor plate

Vele kleuren leverbaar.